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Updated: Nov 8, 2020

I find inspiration around the internet all the time that really resonate with me. They form a sort of wisdom that feels like the voice of some "right time right info" theme running as a constant theme through my life.

I want to share a little something that's given me a dose of this universal wisdom every Wednesday.

First up, one of my favorite YouTube channels, Kurzgesagt. This video talks about existential dread and our relationship with death.

I think often about death and how it feels for me. There are times I get the impermanence of life and the knowing that it will end for all of us. Beauty can be seen in it. Other times, it can feel like this suffocation, tightness in the chest at the though that the set of senses I'm experiencing now will end setting into motion something so unknown no one knows anything about it. What a heady topic to think about.

I especially love this video because of it's balanced light and dark take, and I walked away feeling a bit lighter than when I started.

Do you ever have those moments when you just love yourself? The hilarious thing about me asking that question is I can imagine my response a few years ago. I’d say yes but really not know the answer.

It feels complicated to be born into a world that sees you one way and despite your best effort, you succumb to overwhelming pressure. I can tell you that is not where self worth and esteem is born. I feel so fortunate to be surrounded by the love of my family and friends, my therapist, and myself really. I feel especially fortunate to have walked my way, step by step, out of that place to today.

I would now answer that question “Yes!”. All this is to say I’m posting a selfie. It’s almost all for me, and I like that a lot. Untouched and unedited. Eat it up. 😘

(My man, Thundercat if providing the soundtrack and I thank him for helping set the mood)

Updated: Nov 8, 2020

I woke up this morning, hung over from the feelings of sadness and worry from this past week. The ruling of Breonna Taylor’s murderers mixed with my escalating worries about the possible not-peaceful translation of power if the presidency changes hands in November have left me dizzy. Reeling.

The arts have always been my balm for this while I work through and somehow I stumbled on this cast reading of a Community episode from a few months back. I don’t have a long history with the show but the cast is incredible and I have loved the episodes I’ve seen.

It’s hilarious and put a smile on my face and hopefully it can do the same for you.

Another way I make it through times like this is to give to others and I was happy to donate to the World Central Kitchen, a fundraiser that the virtual table read supported. I’m also a regular supporter of the Black Lives Matter movement for all the work that they do. If you watch above and love what you see, or share the frustrations over my treatment in this world and people like me you can find links to donate below.

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